
雖然Tina老師的課排的滿滿滿  但是還是有抓到最近的時事唷   最近奧斯卡頒獎典禮上鬧的沸沸揚揚

雖然少年PI的奇幻漂流沒有獲得最佳影片獎  BUT!! 這部片不論在D使用劇情表現手法都呈現了嶄新的角度



少年pi的奇幻漂流(電影製作過程) http://journey.lifeofpimovie.com/#!/

少年pi的奇幻漂流(原文小說)   https://mega.co.nz/#!wlRyDb6R!JXr7xnCeYm5smJ_MpGdA2zbZh14PcdnpLs8r-MYa5XY





Ang Lee’s Life of Pi Movie



以下文章出處:《活用空中美語English 4U 163期》再整理而成


Imagine you’re trapped on a lifeboat in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Your family has disappeared, and your only companion is an enormous Bengal tiger…


This is the situation facing Pi Patel, the main character in the movie Life of Pi. Pi, the son of a zookeeper, is a teenager from India. His family is traveling to Canada with their zoo. However, tragedy strikes and their ship sinks. Pi becomes the only survivor of his family and has to share a small lifeboat with a Bengal tiger to cross the Pacific Ocean. In order to survive, Pi realizes that he must overcome not only the loss of his family, but his fear of the tiger. Pi has to learn to tame the tiger and claim dominance of the lifeboat during the journey.


The movie, directed by Oscar-winner Ang Lee, is based on Yann Martel’s bestselling novel Life of Pi. In addition to being a story of adventure and survival, it raises profound questions about belief in God and in oneself.


Life of Pi, though an award-winning novel, has long been considered too difficult to film. In the movie, the two main characters, Pi and the tiger, cannot speak to one another. So the images are supposed to tell the emotional story of the movie, and its actor must be good at interpreting the grief and loneliness that the character goes through.


 Lee claimed these difficulties were what attracted him to the project, stating “I wanted to be the one to do it.” He finally picked Suraj Sharma, a student from India, to play Pi. Lee said Sharma has “the innocence to capture our attention, the depth of character to break our hearts, and the physicality needed to embody Pi on his journey.” That’s also why Sharma could beat out over 3,000 young men for the lead role.


To meet the visual challenges of the movie, Lee filmed in 3D for the first time to capture Martel’s novel in breathtaking fashion. Lee hopes that the movie will move and delight audiences with its artistic vision.




companion   n. 同伴 

My closest childhood companion was my dog Rex. 



tragedy   n. 悲劇 

The 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster was a terrible tragedy for Japan. 



survivor   n. 生還者;倖存者 

survive   v. 存活 

The survivors from the air crash have been taken to the hospital. 



overcome (overcome-overcame-overcome)   v. 克服 

A positive attitude helps you overcome difficulties and find more joy in life. 



tame (tame-tamed-tamed)   v. 馴服 

In the old days, cowboys used to tame wild horses. 



adventure   n. 冒險 

Taking a boat down the Amazon River would be quite an adventure. 



emotional   adj. 情感上的 

Dogs have emotional needs, so we have to play with them. 



interpret   v. 詮釋 

The ballet used dance to interpret Shakespeare’s work Romeo and Juliet. 



capture one’s attention  phr. 使某人感興趣;吸引某人 

The beautiful dress in the shop window really captured Amy’s attention. 



breathtaking   adj. 驚人的;令人屏息的 

The Victoria Falls is one of the most breathtaking waterfalls in the world. 



delight   v. 愉悅;欣喜 

Paul and his band delighted everyone with their musical performance. 



vision   n. 美景;夢一般的事物 

In my dream I had a beautiful vision of blue sky and clear lakes. 





lifeboat   n. 救生艇 

the Pacific Ocean   n. 太平洋 

zookeeper   n. 動物園管理員 

dominance   n. 支配(地位);優勢 

profound   adj. 深度的;深刻的 

grief   n. 悲傷 

innocence   n. 純真 

physicality   n. 體格特徵 

embody   v. 體現

fashion   n. 方式

artistic   adj. 藝術的;精美的



 be based on「以為根據」

 The Tomb Raider movies are actually based on a video game.



go through「經歷」

 Mark went through a difficult time after he lost his job.



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