Aaron Yang 

My teacher, Ms. Tina, helped answer many of my questions and provided helpful ways to solve commom SAT problems that usually confuse the average test taker.



  "在Tina老師獨門SAT教學 SAT成績進步很快  目前分數已經2000分 up 持續進步中





測驗成績:SAT 2000分




This program helped me to review my critical thinking skills and allowed me to apply it into the tests that were administered.
As a result, I was able to achieve a high score on the actual SAT. My teacher, Ms. Tina, helped answer many of my questions and provided helpful ways to solve commom SAT problems that usually confuse the average test taker. I am grateful that I was able to take this class as it helped me to attain a score that I did not think was possible for me to get before.




Line ID: @upenntina (賓大Tina張老師官方團隊)
Line ID:  tinamentor (個人帳號人數快滿,可先加官方帳號)
Email: tina@tina-english.org
網站: https://tina-english.org/
Blog: https://teachertina.pixnet.net/blog
FB:UPeen Tina Chang
FB粉專:賓大 Tina 老師
社團: 賓大Tina老師的SAT天團與留學分享區




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