許逸文 Evan Hsu 

Teacher Tina has been the best tutor I have ever met.


之前有參加過其他補習班 但成效不彰

在Tina SAT 家教班 和 TOEFL 家教班 技巧培訓下

SAT 兩個月 進步 340分 2013 /11月 SAT正式考試 獲得 1820

TOEFL 一個月內 進步 17 88 => 105

(2013/11月正式考試成績Reading 28  Listening 28  Speaking 27 Writing 22)

目前已經收到Boston University early decision admission 真替他開心


Evan's feedback: 

To be honest, Teacher Tina has been the best SAT tutor I have ever met. Her classes are efficient, effective and encouraging. I’m going to give a personal experience if one doesn’t believe in my words. 6 months before my college applications were due and I had no SAT score and a really bad ACT score. My friend introduced me a SAT tutor and I was surprised at the results. Through her lessons, she taught us SAT skills with her own self-made SAT practice textbook and countless SAT questions. She isn’t those kinds of teachers who will yell at you to push your score up. She is the kind of teacher who will encourage and patiently teach her students the logic to each problem. My final SAT score was 1820, an improvement of 340 points. In addition, under her guidance in TOEFL classes, my score jumped from 88 to 105 within a month. As a result, I was able to get into Boston University. I owe a lot to Teacher Tina and I guarantee that she is the best teacher you can have.





Line ID: @upenntina (賓大Tina張老師官方團隊)
Line ID:  tinamentor (個人帳號人數快滿,可先加官方帳號)
Email: tina@tina-english.org
網站: https://tina-english.org/
Blog: https://teachertina.pixnet.net/blog
FB:UPeen Tina Chang
FB粉專:賓大 Tina 老師
社團: 賓大Tina老師的SAT天團與留學分享區



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