Congratulations! Rebecca got an amazing score,2340, on her real SAT test of June (not super score)
Reading 800
Math 800
Writing 740
TOTAL 2340 (real score of June, not power score)
學生姓名:Rebecca Tsai (康橋雙語學校11th)
Her feedback:
The past few weeks had been a blast, thanks to the wonderful Ms. Tina and my fellow classmates. When I first signed up for this, I had anticipated 6 weeks of complete boredom, but little did I know that I would have so much fun learning the dreadful SAT. It was amazing to see how much I have improved from the first mock exam to the recent exam we took. With the skills and knowledge we had learned in class, I’m sure that everyone would be able to achieve a perfect score on his or her SATs!
Eric Su (康橋雙語11th ) 2090
Carrie Hsieh (景美女中12th) 2080
Alan Wu (康橋雙語11th ) 2070
Tiger Lin (成功高中11th) 1980
以及多位薇閣學生 1800 2000 up
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FB:UPeen Tina Chang
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社團: 賓大Tina老師的SAT天團與留學分享區