"在Tina老師獨門SAT教學 SAT成績第一個月進步400分 up 持續進步中
背景:就讀 Shattuck - St. Mary's School
參與課程: Tina老師的SAT暑期班
妹妹也是Tina老師英文家教學生 曾參加SSAT課程 並已取得測驗高分順利申請上美國TOP 20名校
定疆在就讀期間內 認真學習 在有效率的課程指導下 短期內大幅進步
第一個月 就進步了超過四百分以上
I find the lessons conducted by Ms. Tina is really helpful. First of all, I found her classes pretty interesting. I never get bored of attending her classes because she not only focused on explaining her teaching materials but also focused on the significance of class participation. Through class discussion I get to absorb the materials faster because it makes a strong impression compared with listening to a boring lecture. ….Furthermore, I got to interact with my peers, and we have shared a lot of learning techniques together. Secondly, I love the way she taught us how to memorize vocabulary. Since vocabulary plays a pretty major role in SAT, it is essential for all SAT students to learn and memorize them. Ms. Tina used word games to help us to memorize them easier. She gave all the words their own “life” and “personality”, and encouraged us to treat them like our friends rather than our enemies. Through word games, I get to make sure the words stay permanent in my mind. … Thirdly, she is a pretty patient teacher. She always answers our questions as detailed as possible, and make sure we know our mistakes. Her patience gave us the courage to ask questions during classes; it is essential for us to find solutions to our problems. Lastly, I think she is a pretty experienced teacher. She understands the materials well, and she always provides proper guidance to us. ….She knows how to deal with SAT problems, and through her guidance, all of us progressed after each lessons. It is important for us to be supervised under a prolific teacher….
定疆現在已經是美國頂尖大學高材生 每年都會回來看老師喔! 高效家教式補習--與同學們相聚的快樂時光
Line ID: @upenntina (賓大Tina張老師官方團隊)
Line ID: tinamentor (個人帳號人數快滿,可先加官方帳號)
Email: tina@tina-english.org
網站: https://tina-english.org/
Blog: https://teachertina.pixnet.net/blog
FB:UPeen Tina Chang
FB粉專:賓大 Tina 老師
社團: 賓大Tina老師的SAT天團與留學分享區