
  "在Tina老師獨門SAT家教式補習教學 SAT成績高達2310分 並在writing中接近滿分 持續進步中



背景:就讀 Hsinchu International School,補習後順利申請上多間美國大學TOP名校,目前是UC Berkeley的學生

參與課程: Tina老師的SAT英文家教班

2011年測驗驚人成績: SAT 2310分 --790 on writing, 770 math, 750 reading





SAT I is intimidating, no doubt. We’re all too familiar with the long tedious reading passages and endless lists of vocabulary. In hopes of boosting my SAT score, I booked 7 classes with Ms.Tina. Before each 2-hour session, I took a full practice test. We spent the first part of class going over the problems I missed and we talked over why I chose my answer. It was extremely helpful because I was actually involved in the discussion rather than fed answers. In addition, Ms. Tina provided many useful tips in regards to eliminating choices in the writing section. For the second half of class, we went over roots and some common SAT vocabulary. One very important note is that SAT Vocabulary is key to a high SAT score. With Ms.Tina’s guidance, I learned to take educated guesses of unfamiliar words by taking the words apart and distinguishing the roots. Nobody can ever learn all the words in the English language, but through Ms.Tina’s method, we can easily conquer a fair amount of English words. Even though I only spent a short time with Ms. Tina, I cannot thank her enough for helping me with all those vocabulary and problem-solving techniques! Thank you, Ms. Tina!




Line ID: @upenntina (賓大Tina張老師官方團隊)
Line ID:  tinamentor (個人帳號人數快滿,可先加官方帳號)
Email: tina@tina-english.org
網站: https://tina-english.org/
Blog: https://teachertina.pixnet.net/blog
FB:UPeen Tina Chang
FB粉專:賓大 Tina 老師
社團: 賓大Tina老師的SAT天團與留學分享區



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