
先來說一聲恭喜李安導演!!!!  在這次李安得最佳導演獎之後,許多網友紛紛讚賞李安妻子多年來的默默支持以及李安不放棄電影夢的堅持



李安英文Ang Lee,1954年10月23日),著名臺灣導演,生於屏東縣。曾獲得多個主要國際電影獎項,包括三座奧斯卡金像獎、五座英國電影學院獎、四座金球獎、兩座威尼斯影展最佳電影金獅獎以及兩座柏林影展最佳電影金熊獎













Thank you, Movie God. I really need to share this with all 3,000, everybody who worked with me in Life of Pi. I want to thank you. I really want to thank you for believing this story, and sharing this incredible journey with me. 

I need to thank Yann Martel for writing this incredible, inspring book, [and] everyone at Fox. Thank you for taking the leap with me. Especially Tom Rothman, Jim Gianopulos, and Elizabeth Gabler. My producers, Gil Netter, David Womark, David Lee. A wonderful cast. Suraj, where are you? You're a miracle. He's playing the young Pi, carrying the movie. Everyone of you in the cast, I cannot waste this time talking about them. You're the golden statue in my heart. 
我要謝謝楊‧馬泰爾創作了那麼精彩的小說。我要謝謝福斯電影公司對我的信任,其中要特別要謝謝湯姆‧羅斯曼、吉姆‧吉納普魯斯以及伊莉莎白‧蓋普勒。我要感謝我的製作人:吉爾‧奈特、大衛‧沃瑪克以及李崗。另外我要感謝演員蘇瑞吉‧莎瑪, 你真的是一個奇蹟。他飾演少年「派」,主導了整部電影。我也要謝謝這部電影的其他所有演員,但現在我沒辦法一一唸出所有人名,你們是我心中的小金人。

I cannot make this movie without the help of Taiwan. We shot there. I want to thank everybody there [who] helped us, especially the city of Taichung. My Indian crew, I love you. My Canadian crew, I love you. My family in Taiwan, my wife Jen Lin. We'll be married 30 years this summer. I love you. My boys, Haan and Mason, thank you for your support.

Finally my agent Karen Sage, my lawyer, Eroll Shreck, and Jodie Parlow. I have to do that. Especially for this movie, it's great to have your support. Thank you, Academy. Xie xie, namaste.
 — 在 LiveABC






Well,I wish I know how to quit you!(望著小金人)
First of all,I want to thank two people who don’t even exist,or I should say……They do exist because imagination of Annie Proulx and the artistry of Larry McMurtry and Diana Ossana.

首先我想感謝兩位不存在的人,或者我該說存在於原著作者Annie Proulx和編劇Larry McMurtry、Diana Ossana娜想像中的人。
Their names are Ennis and Jack.


And they told all of us who make Brokeback Mountains so much about not just all the gay men and women whose love are denied by the society
but just as important the greatness of love itself……
Thank you,thank you members of the Academy for the tremendous honor and to Everyone of Focus Features in particularly David Linde and James Schamus,
thank you for your love and support.

謝謝你們,感謝影評協會給予的這個無上榮耀,也感謝發行公司Focus Features的每位成員,
特別感謝監製David Linde和James Schamus所給予的愛與支持!

To Bill Polla,Tory Masker,Iera sherk,George Pallo,and many thanks,and speacil thanks to David Lee
and thanks to my wife many thanks and special thanks to my wife Jane Lin,and my boys Haan and Mason,I love you!
感謝Bill Polla、Tory Masker、Iera sherk、George Pallo,
特別要感謝David Lee,還要感謝我太太林惠嘉,還有我的孩子李涵和李淳,我愛你們!

On brokeback, I felt you were with me everyday.
And I just did this movie After my father pass away,
more than any other,I make this for him.
And finally I to my mother and family and every body in Taiwan、Hong Kong、China……謝謝大家的關心!
最後,我要對我的母親、我的家人,還有所有台灣、香港、中國的朋友們說「Thanks for taking care of me!」

資料來源:ptt電影版來看看ptt鄉民作者 pcmangood (pcman好) 的即時翻譯

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