---在遇到Tina之前我上過很多老師的課,但是Tina老師遠超過其它老師是最棒的老師,跟著她學習,我可以看到自己有顯著的進步。 ---by Angel Chi
康橋雙語學校 戚安琪 Angel Chi
2013 10月 SAT 正式考試 已經 取得 1970 分
從第一次考試 到現在一次比一次進步
16xx- 18xx - 1970
參與課程:Tina 獨門SAT家教特訓課程
以下是Angel寫給老師的feedback唷 (下面還有打字稿唷)
Angel Chi同學的原文打字檔:
Tina 老師's classes are very helpful. I've taken classes form other teachers before,but she is by far the best. The amount of work is just right,and she always provides specific and clear explainations. When we have questions,she would answer them and give other examples related to the problem. Her techniques are very useful during practices and tests. I can see my significant improvement in these past few months in her class. I enjoy having classes with her.:) She's very sweet,bringing us food and drinks,and also very adorable. Her classes aren't too serious, and each time we have class She'd note down our progress. I think she's an amazing teacher.
ps. with a VERY sweet voice ^^ hehe
Angel 2013
Line ID: @upenntina (賓大Tina張老師官方團隊)
Line ID: tinamentor (個人帳號人數快滿,可先加官方帳號)
Email: tina@tina-english.org
網站: https://tina-english.org/
Blog: https://teachertina.pixnet.net/blog
FB:UPeen Tina Chang
FB粉專:賓大 Tina 老師
社團: 賓大Tina老師的SAT天團與留學分享區